

Kobayashisenngei dyeing is a traditioal

Japanese craft that dyes Kimono.
The origing of EDO-komon is well unknown.

The only thing for certain is that the dyeing

method of Edo-komon has been already used

in the Momoyama period.

During the Edo period,it was in glor days

because the dyeing method has been used for

“kamishimo(a ceremonial dress worn by

Japanese warriors).”

Shiroko/Jike in Ise is famons for Ise-katagami.

However,the number of artisans for

engraving Ise-katagami decreased significantly.

In addition, the nuber of artisans for dyeing

decreased significantly

(for example,only few ones in Tokyo).

The Edo-komon T-shirt is a handmade one with

Ise-katagami dyed by an Edo-komon artisan.

by kobayashi-sengei   
fuku kami
Method of Edokomon(Edo-dyed cloth)


1.Engraving of a paper attern

Engrave a pattan on a tanned paper pasted with 2or3

handmade Japanese papers and

persimmon tannin by means of"kiribori

(engraving with a gimlet)","tsukibori(engraving)

by passing)”,”hikibori(engraving by pulling)"

and"dougubori(engrving by a tool)."


2.Making of “ironori(color paste)”

“Ironori(color paste)” consists of “jiironori

(ground-colored paste)”and “menori

(glutinous-rice- based paste).”

After mixing and steaming

glutinous flour and rice bran,add a dye into

paste kneaded well as

condusting a dyeing test.


3.Typed printing

Cover a long plate with a white cloth and

put the paper pattan on it as putting paste on

it by a spatula.Stick the paste on the white cloth

through the engraved portion.


4.Drying on a board

After completing the typed printing,

expose the foregoing board covered with cloth

to be sun in order to dry the paste.


5.Ground-colored dyeing(drawing it one’s hand)

After drying the paste,use a big spatula to

smear wholly and evenly the jiironori including

a dye for ground-colored dyeing.



Before drying up the jiironori,

add the foregoing board covered with the cloth

into a steaming box, and steam it at 90-100

degrees Celsius for approximately

15-30minutes in order to fix the dye

(included in the jiironori) on the cloth.


7.Washing with water

Wash carefully the steamed-up

cloth in order toremove the paste and

the surplus dye.


8.Drying finish

Dry the foregoing cloth washed

with water and arrange the width

by the method of steamironing.

Thereafter,inspect it carefully and

complete it.

How to make an Edo Komon T-shirt

   While editing